Monday, November 10, 2008

It's the small things in life


I faced the day today feeling somewhere between strep throat and hung over. My throat felt like I gargled razor blades, my lungs felt like they were swimming through an ocean of pea soup and my head throbbed in a steady beat to music that wasn't there. I decided to brave work anyway, thinking that I would get a tea to ease my throat a bit. Now normally I hate Starbucks. With a passion only equalled by contempt for SUVs, republican radio show hosts and the music of Bette Midler. But I thought maybe, just MAYBE they'd have their holiday drinks. I may hate Starbucks, but their eggnog chai tea is heaven in a cup. To my shock and surprise they did. I may have paid almost $5 for this small cup of deliciousness, but it was worth every penny. Still feel like shit though..

1 comment:

Miss Alex said...

you're not coming over tonight.